Saturday, August 18, 2007

Beckham Rant

America has discovered one of England's favorite pastimes in criticizing David Beckham, but this bashing is undeserved...Many people have tried very hard to dislike David Beckham. Few have succeeded in the long run.
Martin Rogers, Yahoo Sports

Finally, in an overwhelming world of sports journalism covering the controversial move of David Beckham, this perfect headline found its way to the front page of Yahoo! Sports. It has taken thousands of amateur and professional journalists alike to discover the perfect spin on one of the most hyped moves in sports history, but in this case, Martin Rogers has struck gold. Now it's my turn to share the gospel and rally behind an emerging American sports hero, David Beckham.

It has been an ugly summer for American sports to say the least, with controversy surrounding baseball and steroids, pro wrestling and steroids, Michael Vick and Pacman Jones, Tim Donaghy, and Kobe Bryant. This list could go on. Even the most dedicated sports fans are losing faith in the American sports industry, which has proven itself to be "dirtier" than ever. It has been difficult to find a positive spin on an embarrassing summer of stories that has dogged American's enthusiasm and depressed sports journalism, yet for some reason even the exciting story of David Beckham's arrival has been met with cruel criticism and unfair disrespect.

As Rogers' story on Yahoo! will point out, however, hating David Beckham is becoming harder and harder. Beckham has been patient with his ankle, resisting the temptation to risk further injury just to please fans. When he has stepped on the field, he has made an immediate and direct impact on his team. Hear that, Kobe? Off the field, Beckham has poured an extra mile of effort into helping others, leaving an unmatchable impact on American citizens while establishing a positive relationship with the public. Hear that, Barry? Furthermore, Beckham has behaved and done it all the right way, with proper motives and admirable integrity. Hear that, Michael and Pac?

So why all the criticism and outright hatred? David Beckham has proved to be a role model and an icon in an American sports industry that is plagued with atrocities. Journalists and fans cry foul and bloody murder when Kobe whines, Pac, Vick, and Donaghy become criminals, and Barry cheats, but they don't cheer when Beckham acts like they wished athletes would act. Not only do they refrain from praising the admirable acts of Beckham, but they go as far as to crucify his efforts and demean his attempt to strengthen Major League Soccer. Does anyone else notice an inconsistency?

The truth is, it isn't about Beckham. American bigots, fearful of soccer's potential, are doing everything they can to diminish his impact. Before Beckham even arrived, the MLS was being written off and ridiculed. For some reason, our society has created a mental block against soccer for absolutely no reason, declaring it an inferior and boring "foreign" game. The arrogance of these fans, which is championed by one-dimensional journalists and TV hosts, needs to stop.

And it will stop. This very arrogance is fading and failing against the unrelenting kindness and integrity of David Beckham, who is once again proving his critics wrong. In a sports world that is absolutely crumbling under controversy and corruption, soccer is standing tall and carrying the flame of sports integrity. For Beckham, it really is about the love of the game. Can you say that about Barry, Vick, Donaghy, and the host of criminals and selfish fools in professional American sports? So for the love of sports, show David Beckham some respect. Give soccer a chance, and shed your bitterness toward the advancement of the game. You can only knock David and the MLS for so much longer.

I encourage you to read Rogers' article posted at Yahoo! Sports, which can be found by clicking the following link:;_ylt=AkEiwp9wOBsl8MkD.BqW43Q5nYcB?slug=ro-beckham081707&prov=yhoo&type=lgns

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