Thursday, June 14, 2007

AdventureVA Musical Crash Course

As promised, I will be posting reviews of concerts throughout the summer with the goal of not only sharing my musical adventures, but also opening your eyes and ears to creative bands that you might not otherwise hear about. If you are tired of mainstream music and are instead interested in music with meaning, integrity, and culture, then I recommend keeping an eye on these reviews, as they should introduce you to some quality music. In fact, if you are someone who is appreciative of and interested in the quest for creative and cultural music, then I recommend bookmarking this site now because all summer long I will be conducting a search through the Appalachian Mountains for new talent and sounds.

AdventureVA is as much about a lifestyle of discovering and enjoying musical creativity as it is venturing into the wilderness to explore God's green beauty. The reviews and experiences posted here are not restricted to the Virginia region. Rather, they are dedicated to the diversity and creativity of musical culture from every corner of the globe. The goal of my search for new and culturally representative sounds is a rejection of the mainstream garbage we are spoon-fed through the media. My hope is that your eyes will in fact be opened to new ideas, sounds, and cultures through the appreciation of music, as you begin to tear away from the mediocrity of mainstream society and embrace the AdventureVA lifestyle.

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